99 research outputs found

    Genetic learning of accurate and compact fuzzy rule based systems based on the 2-tuples linguistic representation

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    One of the problems that focus the research in the linguistic fuzzy modeling area is the trade-off between interpretability and accuracy. To deal with this problem, different approaches can be found in the literature. Recently, a new linguistic rule representation model was presented to perform a genetic lateral tuning of membership functions. It is based on the linguistic 2-tuples representation that allows the lateral displacement of a label considering an unique parameter. This way to work involves a reduction of the search space that eases the derivation of optimal models and therefore, improves the mentioned trade-off. Based on the 2-tuples rule representation, this work proposes a new method to obtain linguistic fuzzy systems by means of an evolutionary learning of the data base a priori (number of labels and lateral displacements) and a simple rule generation method to quickly learn the associated rule base. Since this rule generation method is run from each data base definition generated by the evolutionary algorithm, its selection is an important aspect. In this work, we also propose two new ad hoc data-driven rule generation methods, analyzing the influence of them and other rule generation methods in the proposed learning approach. The developed algorithms will be tested considering two different real-world problems.Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under Projects TIC-2002-04036-C05-01 and TIN-2005-08386-C05-0

    A Survey of Fuzzy Systems Software: Taxonomy, Current Research Trends, and Prospects

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    Fuzzy systems have been used widely thanks to their ability to successfully solve a wide range of problems in different application fields. However, their replication and application require a high level of knowledge and experience. Furthermore, few researchers publish the software and/or source code associated with their proposals, which is a major obstacle to scientific progress in other disciplines and in industry. In recent years, most fuzzy system software has been developed in order to facilitate the use of fuzzy systems. Some software is commercially distributed, but most software is available as free and open-source software, reducing such obstacles and providing many advantages: quicker detection of errors, innovative applications, faster adoption of fuzzy systems, etc. In this paper, we present an overview of freely available and open-source fuzzy systems software in order to provide a well-established framework that helps researchers to find existing proposals easily and to develop well-founded future work. To accomplish this, we propose a two-level taxonomy, and we describe the main contributions related to each field. Moreover, we provide a snapshot of the status of the publications in this field according to the ISI Web of Knowledge. Finally, some considerations regarding recent trends and potential research directions are presentedThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants TIN2014-56633-C3-3-R and TIN2014-57251-P, the Andalusian Government under Grants P10-TIC-6858 and P11-TIC-7765, and the GENIL program of the CEI BioTIC GRANADA under Grant PYR-2014-2S

    Enhancing soft computing techniques to actively address imbalanced regression problems

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    This paper has been supported in part by the ERDF A way of making Europe/Health Institute Carlos III/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant number PI20/00711), by the ERDF A way of making Europe/Regional Government of Andalusia/Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (grant numbers P18-RT-2248 and B-CTS-536-UGR20) and by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103 (grant numbers PID2019-107793GB-I00 and PID2020-119478GB-I00). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA

    Experimental Study on 164 Algorithms Available in Software Tools for Solving Standard Non-Linear Regression Problems

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    In the specialized literature, researchers can find a large number of proposals for solving regression problems that come from different research areas. However, researchers tend to use only proposals from the area in which they are experts. This paper analyses the performance of a large number of the available regression algorithms from some of the most known and widely used software tools in order to help non-expert users from other areas to properly solve their own regression problems and to help specialized researchers developing well-founded future proposals by properly comparing and identifying algorithms that will enable them to focus on significant further developments. To sum up, we have analyzed 164 algorithms that come from 14 main different families available in 6 software tools (Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Regression Trees, Rule-Based Methods, Stacking, Random Forests, Model trees, Generalized Linear Models, Nearest Neighbor methods, Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Bagging, Boosting, and other methods) over 52 datasets. A new measure has also been proposed to show the goodness of each algorithm with respect to the others. Finally, a statistical analysis by non-parametric tests has been carried out over all the algorithms and on the best 30 algorithms, both with and without bagging. Results show that the algorithms from Random Forest, Model Tree and Support Vector Machine families get the best positions in the rankings obtained by the statistical tests when bagging is not considered. In addition, the use of bagging techniques significantly improves the performance of the algorithms without excessive increase in computational times.This work was supported in part by the University of Córdoba under the project PPG2019-UCOSOCIAL-03, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grant TIN2015- 68454-R and Grant TIN2017-89517-P

    Transparent but Accurate Evolutionary Regression Combining New Linguistic Fuzzy Grammar and a Novel Interpretable Linear Extension

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    Scientists must understand what machines do (systems should not behave like a black box), because in many cases how they predict is more important than what they predict. In this work, we propose a new extension of the fuzzy linguistic grammar and a mainly novel interpretable linear extension for regression problems, together with an enhanced new linguistic tree-based evolutionary multiobjective learning approach. This allows the general behavior of the data covered, as well as their specific variability, to be expressed as a single rule. In order to ensure the highest transparency and accuracy values, this learning process maximizes two widely accepted semantic metrics and also minimizes both the number of rules and the model mean squared error. The results obtained in 23 regression datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed method by applying statistical tests to the said metrics, which cover the different aspects of the interpretability of linguistic fuzzy models. This learning process has obtained the preservation of high-level semantics and less than 5 rules on average, while it still clearly outperforms some of the previous state-of-the-art linguistic fuzzy regression methods for learning interpretable regression linguistic fuzzy systems, and even to a competitive, pure accuracyoriented linguistic learning approach. Finally, we analyze a case study in a real problem related to childhood obesity, and a real expert carries out the analysis shown.Andalusian Government P18-RT-2248Health Institute Carlos III/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities PI20/00711Spanish Government PID2019-107793GB-I00 PID2020-119478GB-I0

    Analyzing gender disparities in STEAM: A Case Study from Bioinformatics Workshops in the University of Granada

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    La bioinformática es un área interdisciplinaria que ha despertado un gran interés tanto para el mundo académico como para las corporaciones en los últimos años. Esta área creciente combina conocimientos y habilidades de las áreas de biología y ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, artes y matemáticas (STEM). Una de las ventajas de la sinergia entre estas dos áreas de trabajo es que ofrece una oportunidad para cerrar la brecha de género de STEM tradicional. A pesar de esta oportunidad y la importancia y amplia aplicación del campo de la bioinformática, este tema aún no ha ganado suficiente visibilidad en los programas de posgrado para los títulos de bachillerato en la Universidad de Granada. Esto ha motivado la organización de un "Taller educativo sobre bioinformática" anual en la Universidad de Granada por el Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. Los resultados del análisis de las dos primeras ediciones de este taller muestran un gran interés en el tema por la comunidad universitaria en todos los niveles (por ejemplo, estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado, docentes e investigadores) sin distinción significativa entre los géneros a nivel global. Al analizar el grupo de estudiantes, las mujeres mostraron un mayor interés en el tema. Sin embargo, este interés no se reflejó en los estratos universitarios superiores (docentes e investigadores), que representan un vistazo de la situación actual general española en el área.Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary area that has raised a high interest for both academia and corporations in recent years. This rising area combines knowledge and skills from Bio and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM) areas. One of the advantages of the synergy between these two work areas is that it offers an opportunity for closing the traditional STEM's gender gap. Despite this opportunity and the signi cance and wide application of bioinformatics eld, this topic has still not gained enough visibility in the graduate programs for the Bio Bachelor Degrees at the University of Granada. This has motivated the organization of an annual \Educational Workshop on Bioinformatics" at the University of Granada by the Department of Computer Science and Arti cial Intelligence. Results of the analysis of the rst two editions of this workshop show a great interest on the topic by the university community at all levels (e.g. undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and researchers) without signi cant distinction among genders at global level. When analyzing student group, women did show a higher interest on the subject. However, this interest was not reflected in the higher university strata (teachers and researchers), which represents a glimpse of the spanish general current situation on the area.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadore

    Learning positive-negative rule-based fuzzy associative classifiers with a good trade-off between complexity and accuracy

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    Nowadays, the call for transparency in Artificial Intelligence models is growing due to the need to understand how decisions derived from the methods are made when they ultimately affect human life and health. Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems have been used successfully as they are models that are easily understood by models themselves. However, complex search spaces hinder the learning process, and in most cases, lead to problems of complexity (coverage and specificity). This problem directly affects the intention to use them to enable the user to analyze and understand the model. Because of this, we propose a fuzzy associative classification method to learn classifiers with an improved trade-off between accuracy and complexity. This method learns the most appropriate granularity of each variable to generate a set of simple fuzzy association rules with a reduced number of associations that consider positive and negative dependencies to be able to classify an instance depending on the presence or absence of certain items. The proposal also chooses the most interesting rules based on several interesting measures and finally performs a genetic rule selection and adjustment to reach the most suitable context of the selected rule set. The quality of our proposal has been analyzed using 23 real-world datasets, comparing them with other proposals by applying statistical analysis. Moreover, the study carried out on a real biomedical research problem of childhood obesity shows the improved trade-off between the accuracy and complexity of the models generated by our proposal.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.ERDF and the Regional Government of Andalusia/Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (grant numbers P18-RT-2248 and B-CTS-536-UGR20)ERDF and Health Institute Carlos III/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant number PI20/00711)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant number PID2019-107793GB-I00

    Explainable artificial intelligence to predict and identify prostate cancer tissue by gene expression

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    This work was supported by the ERDF and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Regional Government of Andalusia (grant number P18-RT-2248)Background and Objective: Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer in men worldwide. Traditional screening strategies such as serum PSA levels, which are not necessarily cancer-specific, or digital rectal exams, which are often inconclusive, are still the screening methods used for the disease. Some studies have focused on identifying biomarkers of the disease but none have been reported for diagnosis in routine clinical practice and few studies have provided tools to assist the pathologist in the decision-making process when analyzing prostate tissue. Therefore, a classifier is proposed to predict the occurrence of PCa that provides physicians with accurate predictions and understandable explanations. Methods: A selection of 47 genes was made based on differential expression between PCa and normal tissue, GO gene ontology as well as the literature to be used as input predictors for different machine learning methods based on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence. These methods were trained using different class-balancing strategies to build accurate classifiers using gene expression data from 550 samples from ’The Cancer Genome Atlas’. Our model was validated in four external cohorts with different ancestries, totaling 463 samples. In addition, a set of SHapley Additive exPlanations was provided to help clinicians understand the underlying reasons for each decision. Results: An in-depth analysis showed that the Random Forest algorithm combined with majority class downsampling was the best performing approach with robust statistical significance. Our method achieved an average sensitivity and specificity of 0.90 and 0.8 with an AUC of 0.84 across all databases. The relevance of DLX1, MYL9 and FGFR genes for PCa screening was demonstrated in addition to the important role of novel genes such as CAV2 and MYLK. Conclusions: This model has shown good performance in 4 independent external cohorts of different ancestries and the explanations provided are consistent with each other and with the literature, opening a horizon for its application in clinical practice. In the near future, these genes, in combination with our model, could be applied to liquid biopsy to improve PCa screening.European Union (EU)Ministry of Econ-omy, Innovation and Science of the Regional Government of Andalusia P18-RT-224

    JFML: A Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Systems According to the IEEE Std 1855-2016

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    Fuzzy logic systems are useful for solving problems in many application fields. However, these systems are usually stored in specific formats and researchers need to rewrite them to use in new problems. Recently, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has sponsored the publication of the IEEE Standard 1855-2016 to provide a unified and well-defined representation of fuzzy systems for problems of classification, regression, and control. The main aim of this standard is to facilitate the exchange of fuzzy systems across different programming systems in order to avoid the need to rewrite available pieces of code or to develop new software tools to replicate functionalities that are already provided by other software. In order to make the standard operative and useful for the research community, this paper presents JFML, an open source Java library that offers a complete implementation of the new IEEE standard and capability to import/export fuzzy systems in accordance with other standards and software. Moreover, the new library has associated a Website with complementary material, documentation, and examples in order to facilitate its use. In this paper, we present three case studies that illustrate the potential of JFML and the advantages of exchanging fuzzy systems among available softwareThis work was supported in part by the XXII Own Research Program (2017) of the University of Córdoba, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants RYC-2016-19802 (Ramón y Cajal contract), TIN2017-84796-C2-1-R, TIN2014-56633-C3-3-R, TIN2014-57251-P, and TIN2015-68454-R, in part by the Andalusian Government under Grant P11-TIC-7765, in part by the Xunta de Galicia (accreditation 2016-2019), and in part by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)